It felt really good to be an American today. I will admit
that I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. He sometimes shoots off his mouth, says
the wrong things. He reminds me of that uncle. You know the one. He is always
at the family reunions, or maybe sits at the far corner of the table. He tells
a few off-color jokes or asks the younger kids to pull his finger. You know the
man has good intentions and you love him despite all his crassness. Donald Trump
has promised to bring jobs back to the USA by taxing those companies that abandoned
their domestic factories and American workers. He wants to do away with the North
American Free Trade Agreement. That should help. I still remember the marches against
NAFTA and the WTO a couple decades ago.
Trump wants to replace the flawed Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) with one
that is more on par with Europe (which by the way, grates the nerves of many
ultra-conservatives). If you are reading
this and hope that “The Don” doesn’t keep his word, you can find comfort in the
fact that most politicians fail to keep their promises to the voters; sometimes,
even covenants to their own spouses. No, I did not vote for the man, but I will
be praying for him. I am an American. I believe in the American process. I see
facts before me, not innuendos and speculations or even false accusations that
fade away as fast as their accusers.
I actually enjoyed the closing prayer given by Rabbi Marvin
Hier. I’ll admit, it was more of a statement than a communication with God, but
the words were heart-felt, true and factual. I am certain that many people were
offended by them because they spoke of hard-work, pride and ethics. I was
delighted to see Franklin Graham, son of the Reverend Billy Graham, speaking.
For generations Billy Graham led our nation in prayer and advised our leaders.
For eight years President Obama turned his back on Billy Graham. Listening to
spiritual leaders’ advice does not mean that any particular religion is favored
over another. It means the words of a reasonable man, close to God the Father,
are heeded. Instead of comfort and words of wisdom, these past eight years, too
many people became divided and learned to hate. I look forward to a spiritual
awakening to take place once again. Maybe we can set aside our so-called
differences and remember that we are Americans first. (I would like to remind
some of you before you say, “White Bread has no idea what she’s talking about,”
that I come from a rainbow family in every sense of the word.)
I actually support President Trump’s selection of Betsy DeVos
as Education Secretary. I was aware of her before the election. DeVos believes
that all children are entitled to the same educational opportunities regardless
of income or neighborhood. She and her family have given a lifetime total of 1
billion dollars to charities and foundations in and around Michigan. At least
forty percent went to educational causes. A large portion went to health
services. Her family built the DeVos Learning Center in Grand Rapids. It’s like
a field trip for the mind. I also am overjoyed that Dr. Benjamin Carson was selected
to serve as the secretary for Housing and Urban Development. I knew of this great
man for a few decades. He was a child in the same part of Detroit that I was
born in, Delray. You can’t get much more urban than that. The appointment of at
least two people from Michigan, I hope, will influence some decisions to bring
jobs back to my home state.
Donald Trump is my president. He is America’s president. I
will not protest. I will not whine and cry. I will support and pray for him as
I have for all the presidents since I was old enough to vote, in 1982. God, bless
Donald Trump. Please, bless our nation. Please guide the leaders of our world. Amen
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